January 31, 2005

Jacob, Pharaoh & J.D. Drew

Josh, Ethan & J.D. Drew

Genesis 47:7-10
When Jacob met Pharaoh he reversed things a little bit. Pharaoh was used to being the one giving out the blessings. He was after all considered a god. But Jacob didn't see it that way. Because he knew the real and living God he was able to be a blessing to this worldwide celebrity. Not once… but twice.

This goes against the grain in a couple of different ways. One how often do we walk away from celebrity knowing that we have been a blessing to them? Yea, I know it is kind of a rush for us. When we meet some famous person face to face even briefly it gets the adrenaline flowing.

When my son Josh was a small child we would go to every Florida State Baseball game we possibly could. This was back in the days of J.D. Drew. Josh was a not old enough to understand a whole lot about baseball or just how good J.D. really was but he understood one thing...when the announcer said 'now batting J. D. Drew' people reacted to him in a way that was unlike the reaction to any other player. No matter if anyone was on base or not, if the game was close or a blowout, or if the team was playing Miami or the Virginia Military institute everyone in the stadium stood to their feet and cheered wildly...because it was J. D. Drew.

At the time Josh was old enough to be a fan but not old enough go with the 'big boys' down to the field and get an autograph. During the final home game of J.D.'s final year it was now or never if we were going to get some J.D. Drew memorabilia... so off we went. The game was over so we trekked down with all the groupies to wait outside the dressing room and get our J.D Drew autographed baseball. We waited and waited and waited. No J.D. What happened? How did he do that? Is there a secret escape hatch? To this day I don't know how we missed him. But the results were the same. No record. No memory. No reminder whatsoever of the three great years we had to sit and watch the greatest baseball player to ever play at Dick Howser Stadium. So after three years J. D. moved out of town and we had no memorabilia from the Drew days.

But then came our second chance. As we were walking out the stadium (we were usually among the last to leave because Josh would always want to look around for free baseballs and stuff) we heard someone yell across the field, "We’re meeting J.D. at the Roadhouse if you want to come". He wasn't talking to us but we took it as our invitation. We rushed to the house. Grabbed our baseballs and cards and headed to the Roadhouse. We arrived, walked inside looked around. No J.D. We asked the hostess. She said, "he's out on the porch” Got him. There's no escaping this time. So we walked outside. There he was. J.D. Drew. We introduced ourselves and asked for the 'graphs'. He graciously obliged.

We did not bless J.D. Drew that day. He blessed us. He gave us a simple gesture but one that made our day and still sits proudly in our house. That's the usual way with celebrity.

Not so with Jacob and Pharaoh. When Jacob met Pharaoh (one of it not the most powerful men in the world) he did not come looking for a blessing. He came to give one. Genesis 47:7 records the moment for us. This shepherd (shepherds despised in Egypt by the way) was not star struck. He was so God struck with the real and living God that he became the blessing. He did not come to pharaoh only to receive but he came to give. And he did. Not once. But twice. Genesis 47:10
records the second one.

I'll let you know the second reason it strikes me a little different that Jacob blessed Pharaoh...or feel free to take your guesses.
 Posted by Hello

January 28, 2005


Last night I had the priveledge of presenting an award at a football banquet. It reminded me of something...people need less preaching and more example. The award was presented to a young man who's father died midway through the season. This is a guy who really, never even knew his father. Our theme for our pre-game devotions this year was OVERCOMERS. So in my mind...this guy was an overcomer. I think one of the most difficult things for a person, especially a young man to overcome is the lack of a father figure in their life. So I thought as I drove home from that banquet about this young man, about his life and then I thought about myself and my life. Here's a guy who just lost any chance he would ever have of knowing his father. That's a lot to overcome. And he is doing it. He is not looking back with regret or self pity. He's getting up everyday and doing the things he needs to do. He lost his father during the week and showed up and played his role on the team on Friday. Reminds me of a guy named Brett up in Wisconsin. And yet I find myself feeling defeated over and over at the smallest of little set backs in my life. I'm thinking I need to do less telling other people how to overcome challenges in their life and I need to do a little more overcoming myself. Thanks Lee for being an overcomer. Keep it up because life will never get easy. Most of all remember their are no perfect fathers here but there is a God in heaven who is the perfect father and He wants to fill who wholes of every void this life leaves us with.

January 26, 2005

The Power of the Blog or Was it Advertising Dollars?

RollingStone Reverses It's Decision on Advertising the Bible

I told you the boycott would work. Apparently Christians everywhere were canceling their subscriptions to RollingStone and they have now reversed their decision on advertising the Bible. Either that or they started counting the advertising cash. Could have been either one. Who knows?

January 24, 2005

Remember Lot's Wife

But Lot's wife looked back as she was following along behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26)

The context of this verse fascinates me. Why didn't Lot's wife get it? Why didn't she understand the importance of moving forward. Lot understood. He knew that Sodom had to be left - forever. He knew that life was over and gone. All we can do is guess but it seems to be a case of what Bruce Wilkinson's calls "The Three Chairs".

In chair one is the person who has a direct and personal encounter with the living God. Because this person's experience is personal it is very real to them and the odds of them having a serious desire to turn back to life before knowing God is unlikely.

And then there is chair two. This person knows the person represented by chair one (usually a parent/child relationship but not always). The chair two person is influenced by the person in chair two and so they try to imitate a life of faith. They are basically moral and 'good people' but until their experience with God becomes personal (what a good friend of mine likes to call taking off their parents robe of righteousness and putting on their own)the tendency is to run toward a ungodly lifestyle because living a Christlike life without the empowering of the Holy Spirit is simply impossible.

The person represented by chair three knows the person represented by chair two well. What they see is interpreted as hypocricy. They see the chair two person talking about God and talking about doing right but they are simply unable to do it. The assumption is that they are hypocrites. They talk one way and live another. But it may run deeper than that. It is entirely likey they know the right thing to do because they have seen it demonstrated but are simply unable to live up to the standard even though that is their desire. The result is that chair three person runs fast and furiously away from anything having to do with God because they simply see it as being a standard for living with no real power for experiencing life in it’s fullest.

So it’s not that much of a stretch to say that…

1. Abraham sat in chair one –He knew God as intimately as any person who ever walked on earth.

2. Lot sat in chair two – he knew Abraham. And apparently lived between the two worlds of righteousness and depravity. We know he lived in Sodom, one of the most wicked cities in the history of mankind. And it didn’t seem to bother him until it was on the verge of destruction. And yet 2 Peter 2:7 tells us Lot untimately was a righteous man.

3. Lot’s Wife sat in chair three. There we go. Now we know. How could she look back knowing what she knew? Maybe sitting in chair three she didn’t know nearly as much as we assume. All she know about God and his promises was three people removed.

What chair are you sitting in? It doesn’t matter what chair you began in. Through faith in Christ God wants to place you in chair #1. The chair of knowing Him personally and experiencing the abundant life He has for you.

January 22, 2005

Internet Communication: The Good the Bad & the Ugly

James 3:2-12

I've recently been thinking a lot about the pros and cons of communicating on the internet. There are some definite pros. Only on the internet can we type one thing and instantly send it to hundreds or even thousands of people. Only on the internet can we express what is on our hearts and put it out there so whoever wishes to come by and take a look can do so while at the same time those who don't are also free not to. Communicating through the internet also has a way of breaking clogs free. For a lot of people the internet has opened up communication because they since a freedom to communicate that they would never have the gumption to do if it required speaking. For that reasons things that have needed to be said for a long time have been spoken and opened the way for further communication.

Those things and lots of others make it a thing of beauty. But there are also some things that we should all be cautious of. I've noticed I tend to say things to people digitally that I would never say verbally. The internet provides a defense mechanism that at times can cause us to let down our guard with our words. That can be good…when we are expressing our heart. But that can be bad when we are trying to tear someone down. There is something about face to face communication that causes us to guard our words that is not present when we speak on the internet. Also, face to face communication allows us to use non-verbal forms of communication that are not available on the internet. When speaking with someone face to face, even when correcting a person or expressing a frustration with a person, you can smile, put your arm around them or use some other gesture to make sure they know…I am correcting you but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.

When speaking face to face we tend to not simply talk of one thing. A conversation may look like this…

1. Small talk
2. Meat of the matter
3. More small talk or a different topic.
4. Small talk
5. Goodbyes

On the internet the conversation would simply look like this…

1. Meat of the matter.

The prior gives the opportunity to express care and concern for all areas of a person’s life. The later, at times, can give the impression that we are only concerned with this one thing.

So with all that jibjab here’s the bottom line. Let’s communicate. That’s a good thing. But let’s continue to do what the book of James demands and that is that we guard out words carefully and make sure that as we communicate it is seasoned with love. I’ll try to be better at this. I hope you’ll join me.

January 20, 2005

Terah Didn't Finish...But he did share the dream

Genesis 11:31 gives the story of a man who went half way. His name was Terah. You may have heard of him. But maybe not. He started out to go to Canaan but only made it half way. I think of a couple of things when I read this...

(1) I don't want to leave anything half done. Since God has given me work to do I want to do it all. I don't want to stop in the middle. Progression is good. Completion is better. I'm hoping God will give me a since of completion at least in some of the things He has for me to do here on earth.

(2) For those things I won't finish while I'm here I hope I can pass the vision along to someone who comes after me. No doubt, part of the way God placed the dream of the promised land in the heart of Abraham was through his father, Terah. Terah didn't finish the journey he started out on but he passed the dream of the promised land along to his son Abraham who completed the mission.

Let's dream big as God gives us visions of His Kingdom on earth. Let's pursue those dreams to their completion and pass along even bigger dreams to those who follow.

January 19, 2005

Mission Trips change Lives

This one was in New Orleans in the city called New Orleans. The kids name is Kyle. He has sinced moved to Georgia so I don't see him much anymore. One thing about Kyle - he was blessed with energy. This mission trip gave hime the opportunity to use that energy for God's glory. And he did. Well, God's glory and several other things. I pray that Kyle remembers that trip and the great things he did as he used his God given energy to talk to kids about God's love.

For more pictures and memories of that New Orleans trip check out the photos in the sidebar. Posted by Hello

January 18, 2005

Rolling Stone Rejects Add for Today's New International Version of the Bible

Walt Mueller speaks on this and challenges us to a thoughtful rather than reactionary response. Personally I think we should boycott. Can you imagine what would happen to Rolling Stones' Circulation if Christians stopped buying it? And Disney thought we put a hurting on them! Seriously, read Walt's repsonse and let's be thoughful as we engage the world God has placed us in.

Walt Meuller Speaks on Rolling Stone's Rejection of Zondervan's New Bible Ad

January 16, 2005

Gators #2 & the Power of One Man's Leadership

I heard something that fascinated me the other day. The first preseason poll is out for the 2005-6 college football season and guess who is No. 2? That's right. The Florida Gators. How could that be? How could they go from finishing 25 to be projected as the number 2 team in the land? The answer: new leadership. The players are the same. The facilities...Identical. The one thing that has changed - leadership. The one thing moving the Gators, at least in one polsters mind, from the bottom of the pack to the No. 2 spot is the hiring of one man named Urban Meyer. I've heard it said that everything rises and falls with leadership. This motivates me to take a close look at my own leadership. The scary thing is when everything hinges on leadership it takes away all the excuses. Let's make this the year when we stop looking around for excuses and start looking for opportunities to lead ourselves and the people around us to be what God has created us to be.

January 14, 2005

Elihu: The Original Triangulator

In politics Bill Clinton made triangulation famous. Triangulation is the process of pointing out the weakness in two opposing positions so you appear to be above the frey and the wise one in the situation. In Clinton's case 'appear' would be the key word. He did this with welfare reform, balancing the budget, stem cell research, gays in the military and on and on. It was the key to his political success. Phil Jackson used triangles to win championships in Chicago - Clinton used them in politics.

But the original triangulator was not Clinton or Jackson. It was a man named Elihu. His triangulation is found in Job 32-37. With all of the debating going on between Job and his friends this is a pretty safe road to take. Elihu in essence says, "Your all wrong". This is the easy way out. It's the one we are all tempted to take. When we take the middle road we become hard to criticize because the other two positions look so extreme and we look so sophisticated and smug sitting there in the middle of the road. The problem is that's not where God has called us to be. He has called us to proclaim the truth. Sometimes that truth makes us stand out like a sour thumb in a world that prefers to embrace everything that doesn't intrude on what someone else may believe. God has not created us to look good but to be good and that means speaking truth even when it's not what people want to hear.

January 13, 2005

My Armor

Today I accidentally stepped on a snail
on the sidewalk in front of our house.
And I thought, I too am like that snail.
I build a defensive wall around myself, a "shell" if you will.
But my shell isn't made out of a hard, protective substance.
Mine is made out of tin foil and paper bags.

...borrowed from Jack Handey

January 12, 2005

Lights, Camera, Wisdom!

Job 28

What a great chapter. Job nails it on the head. He really nails the church where we are at today. We can do technology. We can do amazing things with lights, cameras and amplifiers. And we should. We should use every talent and every resource God has given us for His glory. But technology is not the best thing we have to offer. What people are really hungry for is what they can not figure out for themselves. They are not impressed with lights and cameras because they know anyone with a few thousand bucks lying around can buy that stuff. And than they look at the state of the world and wonder who would even want to spend a few thousand bucks on that stuff when the world is in the condition it is in. What people are starving for is…wisdom.

Job speaks so powerfully on this issue. He commends man for his technological achievements…and this is in the day of the patriarchs. You know…Abraham and the like. This is pretty ancient stuff. Basically their high achievement was being able to dig deep into the earth and bring out precious jewels. Job speaks of a jewel that man can not dig deep enough to discover…wisdom. The one thing man in all of his intellect can not discover for himself is wisdom. Wisdom is simply the ability to live life God’s way rather than our own. It’s not out their in the world. God has given us, the church, the responsibility to show the world God’s wisdom. We do this in two ways. First, we live it. What a great way to teach wisdom. Walk according to it. People are starving to see someone living according to God’s plan for their life – and loving it! They see a lot of people claiming to follow Christ – and hating it. You know the type. “Woe is me” “I’m just bearing my cross”. Pox on our houses! Following Christ is a blast. It’s the greatest thing ever. We should love life because the author of live lives in us.

The other thing we do is teach His Word. Wisdom is found in the Word of God, the Bible. He has written it out for us. Wisdom in its purest form is found in God’s Word. The most precious of all the jewels is found when we dig deep into God’s Word. We need to fall in love with God’s Word again. After all, that is where we find the Words that lead to eternal life.

This generation is not impressed by technology. It’s just there. What they are longing for is to encounter some people who are really (with an emphasis on REALly) living their lives according to God’s plan – and finding pleasure in it. This generation has seen tons of people claiming to follow Christ – and being miserable. Why do we wonder why they don’t want to embrace Christ? Let’s do a couple things…live our lives according to God’s wisdom and teach His Word where that wisdom is found.

January 11, 2005

The Dance of Youth

I love this painting. The title is, The Dance of Youth by Pablo Picasso. I have no idea what his story behind the painting is. If anyone knows I would love to hear it. I know where my mind goes when I look at the painting. I see youth full of energy - expressed in their dance. These youth are all from different places and backgrounds. Their differences are represented by color, though it does not necessarily mean race. It could be differences in personality or life situations. The differences could be related to family background or religious upbringing. The differences could be temperament or personal preferences. It doesn't matter. These youth aren't focused on what makes them different. They are focusing on what has brought them together and it is so significant that is causes them to dance. They are expressing energy and zest for life. All of their energy - their dance - seems to be centered around and focused toward this dove in the middle. When I see this dove I see a representation of how God has changed our lives through Christ. The impact Christ has had on each of these youth is so significant that the differences between them no longer matter. They aren't even focused on the differences between them. They are simply loving life as they give their energy back to the dove.

What a sad painting this would be if the youth were sitting around looking at one another - Worse pointing at one another - and comparing life situations. Nobody would want to see a painting like that. What a sad painting if everyone was stiff and lifeless because they were felt so beaten up by life. How sad if these youth had no energy to celebrate their new life because strained relationships with the people around them had completely taken their focus off the dove. That's not what this painting is of. This is a painting that has appeal because something so significant has happened to these youth that they have realized the foolishness of being bogged down with petty differences when they could be enjoying the new life that God has given them.

Enjoy the dance of youth. Acknowledge that God has created us all different and then move on and give your energy - your work - your study - your play -whatever you do in honor of the one who has created you and given you new life in Christ.

I'd love to read your reflections as you think about the implications of, The Dance of Youth and how you are expressing your energy and enthusiasm toward the one who has give us new life.
Posted by Hello

January 10, 2005

Things Are Not as They Appear

I've heard that one of John Eldredge's three principles of life is "Things Are Not as They Appear". I believe he's right. If someone begins to tell you they've got it all figured out...RUN! That person is lying to you. They may share with you what their experience has been or how they assume things are or even how they wish things were...but things on this earth are seldom as they appear.

The entire book of Job reminds us of this. We get the inside look at things as they really are. God gives us a glimpse into heaven. It's almost humorous when you have the inside spiritual scoop on what is really happening to Job...and than listen to his 'friends' as they give their interpretations as to why these calamities are happening to Job. Basically there take is...if things are going badly...someone has sinned. No one would have guessed it was friendly wager between God and Satan. That certainly didn't fit into the theology of the day. No one would have come up with that conclusion. Someone, quick, put God back in the box things are getting out of control here.

Job does land on one thing we can know for sure. It's recorded in Job 16:19, "Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high” Job clings to this even in his calamity. God is on our side. This world may be a horrible place to live at times...but that doesn't mean God isn't on our side. God is for us. God is for you. Don't give up. Things change. And in the meantime remember...God is on your side.

January 08, 2005

College Football Poll, Best Over the Last 12 Years

College Football Poll, Best Over the last 12 Years

Florida State: still #1. The 2005 season will be important to Florida State for a lot of reasons. One is to keep their 12 year #1 ranking in the Congrove Computer Rankings. These rankings rank teams according to performance over a 12 year period. Right now Florida State's 12 year running average is good enough to keep them as the number one team in college football over the last 12 years. After this season the '93 championship will no longer factor intot the rankings (13 years - wow how time flies). So if they want to stay on top this is the year to get the ship turned around.

January 07, 2005

Now We Know Where the Line Is

With all the fuss we have heard lately about where the line be drawn as we head down the slippery slope of immorality Fox has drawn the line for us. Apparently it's on Mickey Rooney's backside. Click on the title above for the full monty story.Posted by Hello

January 06, 2005

Triathlon Training and the Cyclical Nature of Life

For me Triathlon season officially begins March 26th at the Redhills Triathlon in Tallahassee. That means Triathlon training officially began December 27th. As training begins it occurs to me…there is a natural frustration that goes along with the beginning of a new training season. I remember what it felt like midway into the season last year. I remember the satisfaction that comes after a long run where you have just beaten a personal best time. I remember what it feels like to hop out of the pool after doing a 500m faster than you’ve ever done it. Those are good moments. The beginning of training doesn’t feel like that at all. Physically it hurts but that is not the bad part. The hardest part is psychological. There is something very frustrating about starting over. It can be disheartening to know where you have been and knowing you are no longer there. It can be frustrating and even scary to think about how hard you worked to reach a certain level of achievement and than realize you are going to have to do the work all over again to get back there. I believe that is why most people give up and quit. They can not take the frustration that goes along with having to start over.

I had not planned on starting over. I originally planned on training through the off season to prepare for a marathon in February which would lead right up to Redhills in March. My body had other plans. A hip injury put me down for close to four months and so here I am…starting over.

But that is life. There is a cyclical nature to everything. Relationships go from close, to distant, to forgiveness to close again. Not once…but constantly. Ministry can be that way. It’s fun when things go well in ministry. But if things always went well we would quickly become arrogant and self sufficient. So God allows tough times in ministry so we can go through the tough training ground of depending on Him again. So when things are tough instead of dwelling on it and wishing for the ‘good old days’ let’s learn from the place God has and learn to depend on Him to get back to the place He has for us.


January 05, 2005

The Real Deal With Blockbuster's "No More Late Fees" Pledge

Over the past few days I've been in several circles where the conversation turned to Blockbuster's New "No Late Fees" policy. We all threw in our theory on what the real catch must be. One conversation even drifted toward the whole, "that's just a reflection of our societies lack of belief in consequences for any action." That's all well and good in philosophy class. Blockbuster isn't a philosophy it's a for profit business. So here the real scoop:

In-store Movie and Game Rental Terms
Movie and game rentals are due back at the date and time stated on the transaction receipt. There is no additional rental charge if a member keeps a rental item beyond the pre-paid rental period. However, if a member chooses to keep a rental item more than a week after the end of the rental period, BLOCKBUSTER® will automatically convert the rental to a sale on the eighth day after the end of the rental period. BLOCKBUSTER will charge the membership account the selling price for the item in effect at the time of the rental, which is either (1) the retail price charged by that BLOCKBUSTER store for the product if sold as new, if the product is not available for sale as previously rented product at that BLOCKBUSTER store at the time of rental, or (2) the selling price charged by that BLOCKBUSTER store for the product if sold as previously rented product, if the product is available for sale as previously rented product at that BLOCKBUSTER store at the time of rental. The selling price will be discounted by the amount of the initial rental fee paid by the member at the time of rental. If the member returns the item within 30 days of the sale date, BLOCKBUSTER will credit back to the membership account the amount previously charged to the member's account or the member's credit card, as applicable, for the selling price of the item, but the member will be charged a restocking fee. All rental items must be returned to the proper BLOCKBUSTER store. These rental terms are subject to change without notice at any time. Rental terms and policies may vary in franchised locations. Additional membership rules apply for rentals. See store for full details.

Posted by Hello

The Orange Bowl Let Down

First of all before anyone in the state of Oklahoma hits the panic button OU athletic director Joe Castiglione has come out with some reassuring words after last night's Sooner debacle, "We'll sponsor football again next year." So there you have it. No more rumors please.

Now as for the half time show. The half time show was only slightly less disappointing than the game. One rumor has it that Mark Bradley produced the half time show. Actually I can't say much about the live portion. I had a conspiracy freak in my house who gathered everyone around the computer at half time to show us that on 9/11 there really was no airplane flown into the Pentagon. Apparently it was a missile of some sort. I don't know how I become associated with the guys.

The U2 video a waste. U2 on the back of a truck riding around New York City? What could be more boring than that? Maybe Jessica Simpson lip sinking in the back of a truck. But U2 took a close second. As for insights as to the true meaning of, "All Because of You...I Am."... none given. As Bob Stoops is fond of saying, "Maybe next year".
Posted by Hello

January 04, 2005

A Kinder Gentler Half Time Show

Last January I had a group of adult youth workers at my house watching the SuperBowl. During half time a couple was leaving so I walked them to the door and got into a conversation. I did not see the halftime episode. When I arrived back in the room where the game was on no one even mentioned the Janet Jackson thing. I did not even know about the wardrobe malfunction until the next day when I heard about it on the news. I'm still amazed that they sat around and watched that and by the time I got back they had completely blown it off. Those must have been some good chicken wings.

With that said tonight's Orange Bowl halftime show should whole new experience. U2 is debuying their new video to the song All Because of You. The interesting thing about this song is the mystery as to who it written in to. Some say God. I've read that in special collectors addition of the cd it was made clear that the I AM is a reference to God's name for Himself given to Moses in Genesis 3. Others say it is a tribute to The Who. Maybe the video will clear up the mystery. The good news is the debate tomorrow morning will have nothing to do with Janet Jackson's anatomy.

All Because of You by U2
I was born a child of grace
Nothing else about the place
Everything was ugly but your beautiful face
And it left me no illusion

I saw you in the curve of the moon
In the shadow cast across my room
You heard me in my tune
When I just heard confusion

All because of you
All because of you
All because of you
I am...
I am

I like the sound of my own voice
I didn't give anyone else a choice
An intellectual tortoise
Racing with your bullet train

Some people get squashed crossing the tracks
Some people got high rises on their backs
I'm not broke but you can see the cracks
You can make me perfect again

All because of you
All because of you
All because of you

I am I am I'm alive
I'm being born
I just arrived, I'm at the door
Of the place I started out from And I want back inside
All because of you
All because of you All because of you
I am
Posted by Hello

January 03, 2005

The Truth About Consequences

Most of us tend to lean toward either the side of grace or the side of consequences. Most churches and ministries have a tendency to lean toward consequences or forgiveness. The Bible sees no such conflict. In God’s Word we find consequences and forgiveness working hand in hand to bring us to God. It is not even a matter of balance. It is a matter of extremes. It is possible to be enduring extreme consequences for our sin while at the same time experiencing extreme forgiveness.

Many time consequences are usually the very thing that drives us toward God’s grace. For many of us it was the consequences of our sin that moved us toward seeking God’s forgiveness to begin with. Some respond to consequences with anger or disillusionment toward God. They mistake the presence of consequences as a sign of the lack of forgiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Consequences are designed to move us toward God’s grace not away form it. Consequences are circumstantial. Forgiveness is relational and so they co-exist as partners in our lives moving us toward intimacy with God.

The man who died beside Jesus experienced this. He committed a horrible crime that got him the death penalty. He acknowledged this (Luke 23:41). But his circumstance is the very thing that drove him to seek Jesus’ help. The result – while experiencing extreme consequence he also experienced extreme forgiveness. His forgiveness was extreme. His crime was horrible and there is no way he could ever even make an attempt to make it right. He would be dead in a just a short time. His consequences were also extreme – crucifixion – a horrible way to die. Jesus chose not to take away that consequence. He could have. Jesus could have rescued him from his physical torture. He didn’t. So here is a clear example of a man who received extreme forgiveness from God. He was completely forgiven for everything he had ever done in his life. Yet, Jesus allows him to receive the physical consequence for that sin.

Consequences are part of God’s plan for us. We shouldn’t allow them to make us angry toward God our doubt His love. Let them be a reminder to us of how deeply He loves us wants to shower us with His grace.


I really don't consider myself a structured kind of guy but after two weeks of vacation I find myself longing for a little routine. I actual look forward to a little structure back in my life. The last two weeks have been nice. No alarms. No schedule. Nowhere to be and no particular time to be there. But in a strange sort of way I am looking forward to some normalcy. Maybe God has built that into all of us to some degree. He certainly had a distinct order to His creative and redemptive activity. I guess since we are created in His image we should expect to be most productive when we operate in a similar fashion. I could certainly use a little more productivity in my life. Maybe a little more structure and routine is the key. Maybe this is the year. Or maybe we'll find something more interesting to do and save the routine stuff for another day.

January 01, 2005

Congrats to the Noles!

Congratulations to the 'Noles. Granted the competition wasn't much but we'll take it! With coaching changes in the air and a ton talent returning hopefully the 'Noles will once again be fun to watch in '05. Posted by Hello


As a new year begins...

As a new year begins I'd like...

  • to live with less regret than last year. To not wonder...what if I had worked a little harder...been a little more disciplined...loved a little more...been a little more patient...not given up on difficult relationships so easily...gone out of my way to express kindness a little more often...encouraged a little better...did less for myself and more for others...put my family before myself...avoided the low road of blame and criticism and took the high road of personal responsibility and forgiveness.

  • to memorize more of God's Word. This is always a challenge. I love God's Word. I love to read it. I love to think about it and meditate on it. I just don't discipline myself enough in the memorization of it. Since the cold war ended and no one is telling us that the Russian's are going to come and take all the Bibles away so we better be memorizing it I just haven't taken the time to do it as much as I should.

  • to be more transparent. I need to take more opportunities to go beyond, "I'm fine. How are you?" and more into the arena of, "I'm struggling and could use some help."

  • to have some fun. Looking back on '04 it seems like it was such a 'serious' year. I hope to just enjoy life a little more this year.

  • to be home more (and more at home when I'm in my house). These past two weeks have reminded me of the joy of just being able to hang with friends and family without the pressure of ministry always bearing down. Somehow I 've got to figure out how to release the pressure before coming home and just enjoy being with Laurie and the boys.

  • to be more of a team player. God has called me to youth ministry. I believe youth ministry is critically important because it is such a crucial juncture in every person's spiritual journey. But, other ministries are important too. I need to be more encouraging and helpful to other ministries.

  • to appreciate others more. God has surrounded me with some fantastic people. God has given me a great family. God has blessed us with some great volunteers in the youth ministry. God has placed me on a church staff and most of them are pretty decent people (j/k). I need to be more appreciative of all the people God has placed in my life and not take that for granted.

  • To drop 20 more pounds. O.K. allow me one selfish endeavor here if you would. I need to get to my fighting wait...around 145.

  • Beat Bucky @ the Red Hills Triathlon. O.K. 2 selfish ones. Probably not a realistic goal...but if I can go into the run ahead of him I'd be satisfied even if he passes me in the run. There I go doubting myself already.

  • More confidence in myself (o.k. theologs more confidence in what God can do through me)

I could go on but that's more than I can handle already. Thanks to you all for being great friends and partners in ministry. God bless you and I pray God gives you the desires of your heart in '05.