January 12, 2005

Lights, Camera, Wisdom!

Job 28

What a great chapter. Job nails it on the head. He really nails the church where we are at today. We can do technology. We can do amazing things with lights, cameras and amplifiers. And we should. We should use every talent and every resource God has given us for His glory. But technology is not the best thing we have to offer. What people are really hungry for is what they can not figure out for themselves. They are not impressed with lights and cameras because they know anyone with a few thousand bucks lying around can buy that stuff. And than they look at the state of the world and wonder who would even want to spend a few thousand bucks on that stuff when the world is in the condition it is in. What people are starving for is…wisdom.

Job speaks so powerfully on this issue. He commends man for his technological achievements…and this is in the day of the patriarchs. You know…Abraham and the like. This is pretty ancient stuff. Basically their high achievement was being able to dig deep into the earth and bring out precious jewels. Job speaks of a jewel that man can not dig deep enough to discover…wisdom. The one thing man in all of his intellect can not discover for himself is wisdom. Wisdom is simply the ability to live life God’s way rather than our own. It’s not out their in the world. God has given us, the church, the responsibility to show the world God’s wisdom. We do this in two ways. First, we live it. What a great way to teach wisdom. Walk according to it. People are starving to see someone living according to God’s plan for their life – and loving it! They see a lot of people claiming to follow Christ – and hating it. You know the type. “Woe is me” “I’m just bearing my cross”. Pox on our houses! Following Christ is a blast. It’s the greatest thing ever. We should love life because the author of live lives in us.

The other thing we do is teach His Word. Wisdom is found in the Word of God, the Bible. He has written it out for us. Wisdom in its purest form is found in God’s Word. The most precious of all the jewels is found when we dig deep into God’s Word. We need to fall in love with God’s Word again. After all, that is where we find the Words that lead to eternal life.

This generation is not impressed by technology. It’s just there. What they are longing for is to encounter some people who are really (with an emphasis on REALly) living their lives according to God’s plan – and finding pleasure in it. This generation has seen tons of people claiming to follow Christ – and being miserable. Why do we wonder why they don’t want to embrace Christ? Let’s do a couple things…live our lives according to God’s wisdom and teach His Word where that wisdom is found.