February 10, 2005

Coach Carter

I wish it were that easy. Coach Carter is the story of a coach who enters a loosing basketball program and through a series of tough love measures turns around the program and more importantly turns around the lives of his players. It's an inspirational story. It is also a true story. I left the movie feeling something was missing. I think I know what it is...reality! This generation of students is not one that will simply change...because someone demands it. If you don't believe me - try it. It sounds great in theory. Just tell them to shape up or ship out. The problem is most will simply ship out. But what was lacking in the movie - and incidentally I am sure was NOT lacking in the real life account - was the hard work Coach Carter would have to do in order to earn the right to make demands of his players. 'Earn the right to speak into my life' is the mantra of this generation. 'My way or the highway' will almost always be followed by a trip down the highway. Before people will join you on your way you better make sure you care about the road they are on. Relationship always precedes influence. It was well into the movie before Coach Carter shows his more caring compassionate side. I'm and sure this was not true in the real story of Coach Carter. As a matter of fact his web site says as much, "He is diligent in providing them with opportunities to build meaningful relationships with their peers and caring adults, and recognizes the advantages inherent in a sound sports program." It sounds like the real Coach Carter gets it. I am excited to learn more about the real Coach Carter. For that I will give the movie credit. But beyond that the movie was lacking much depth. So in a nut shell...Coach Carter is an inspirational story sold short by the movie.