Cub for a Day
I was a Chicago Cub for a day…at least in my dreams. I was watching a NY Mets vs. St. Louis Cardinals game when I apparently drifted off to sleep.
The next thing I know I am playing right field in a spring training game for the Chicago Cubs. The ball is hit well over my head. I turn to chase the ball and realized it is going to hit the wall. To my pleasant surprise the wall is identical to the wall at Dick Howser Stadium. I've seen this play thousands of times. I know exactly where this ball is going. So I place myself in perfect position to play the ball of the wall...but that's not how it worked out. The ball hit the wall exactly as I predicted but than it bounced and hit the ground in front of me and instead of bouncing right to me like it's supposed to the ball bounces ten feet over my head.
When I finally get the ball I see it is not a typical baseball. Half the ball is normal but half is a holograph of the Cubs logo. I take the ball out to my car and put it there so I can add it to my collection. I then came into the dugout to take my turn at bat. No one seemed to know the batting order so I waited my turn. Than it hit me...Dusty Baker manages the Cubs. I should find him and get him to sign some stuff. I woke up as I was looking for Dusty. I never did get my turn to bat. I'm sure I would have taken 'em deep.
tags: Cubs MLB baseball
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