January 04, 2006

Why is Joe so Angry?

I've never watched much Penn State football. I've always thought, based on what I hear in the media, the Joe Paterno was a pretty good guy. After watching the game tonight...I have my doubts. He was crying on every play. Screaming at camera men, assistant coaches, players and refs. I know, who cares if he screams at the refs? But the camera man? Give me a break. Relax Joe. It's a game. It's for entertainment. It's actually more for the entertainment of the fans than it is for the entertainment of those playing. That's what I love about Bobby Bowden. He seems to get that. I'm sure he speaks differently to his players than he does the media and probably takes losses a lot harder than he let's on. But it makes us weirdos who get so wrapped up in a game we have no effect on feel a little better when Bowden reminds us that life does not rise and fall over a game.

And on the subject of Jeff Bowden. Bobby would rather lose a few games and give his son the benefit of the doubt rather than cave to the pressure and fire his own son. I know there are serious questions concerning the competence of his son. But really would you admire a man more who would fire his own son for a few wins than a man who will take the arrows on behalf of giving his son a chance? Anyone with that point of view either takes football way too seriously or doesn't have a son.

So...congrats to Penn State. Your kicker missed one less than our kicker. And thanks for reminding us that a few down seasons doesn't mean that things can't come back around. I feel pretty confident that football FSU is going to be brighter in the very near future.