October 07, 2005

The Star Spangled Banner & An American Idiot

I was walking over to Mike Long track today when I heard the Marching Chiefs practicing. I stopped for a minute to listen. Is that what I think it is? Yep...they are playing, 'An American Idiot' by Greenday.

I can hear the announcer at tomorrow's game, "Now all rise as the Marching Chiefs Play Our National Anthem. They play...the crowd roars...the jets fly over...Army Rangers parachute onto the Seminole head...we have a moment of silence for the troops who have given their lives in Afghanistan & Iraq and everyone has tears and goose bumps. And than you hear the announcer say, 'And now sit back and enjoy as the Chiefs give their rendition of 'American Idiot'.

Actually I have to admit it sounded pretty good. They also did Vertigo by U2, a Maroon 5 song and a song by John Mayer. Maybe I'm must jealous because when I was in chiefs we had some strange Broadway fixation. If I had to play one more Phantom of the Opera song I thought I'd go postal.