Bike Tour Reflections
Miscellaneous lessons from the bike tour...
1. Somethings can't be prepared for...only endured.
2. Weariness brings out the best in people.
2b. Weariness brings out the worst in people.
3. Jim Day has a lot more patiece than he thinks.
4. Erin cares about people.
5. We take our freedom for granted.
6. I can not eat whatever I want just because I'm biking all day.
7. God's best teaching tool is pain and self doubt.
8. When we are busy our quiet time is usually the first thing we toss.
9. People usually only do what they are led to do.
10. Emily does what is right...whether led to or not.
11. 19 Hours is way too long to be on the road in one day.
12. I see level 5 leadership in Paul's future.
13. If you want to know the truth...ask Nicole but don't cry when she tells it to you.
14. Jake is is a hilarious.
15. Mr. Robbin...great spiritual leader...horrible mathmetician.
16. Senior citizens are fun to hang out with.
17. Fig newtons taste great after hours of biking.
18. Company is everything on a bike trip...solitude is the enemy.
19. Kayla and Rachel make good friends.
20. Good equipment is important for accomplishing hard tasks.
21. We're losing a great group of seniors.
21. We have some great leaders coming up behind this group of seniors.
22. I envy Clint Purvis (he uses a moped for his church's bike trip).
23. I wish everyone could/would go on the bike trip.
24. If everyone went on the bike trip our youth ministry would be different.
25. You can just can't quit!
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