July 29, 2005

Student Life Camp

We leave for camp this afternoon. Please pray for us. You can look for us on the web at Student Life's Web Page.

I know I personally go with expectations sky high based on what we've seen God do over the last couple of weeks. Can't wait to see what God's going to do. Check back for audio updates.


July 28, 2005

Blog Hits by Country

Blog Hits By Country

Hey Ukranian hits on my blog! Go Ukranian friends. Hey, be sure and leave comments so I'll know who it is that's stopping by. Hope you are doing well and I hope to hear from you soon. Posted by Picasa

P.S. For those of you who were in mine and Tamara's English class...No Monkey Business!

Radooga - Random Thoughts

Mine and Tamara's English Class

A couple more random thoughts on Radooga.

...it has to be said that Lori and Calyn are incredible leaders. Seeing them in action at Radoogais incredible. Having known them since they were like 13 and 15 years old I have to say I'm proud to know them. They've always been a step ahead of the crowd but they have now turned a whole new corner. They're not just participants at Radooga...they are a part of the texture. They are a major part of what makes Radooga...Radooga.

...Oleg is a true visionary. You sense this talking to him as he gives not just his vision for Radooga but how Radoogais going to change Ukraine. That's pretty visionary to see an English language camp changing an entire country. I believe him when he says it's going to happen.

...you should pray and see is God does not want you to go to Ukraine next summer. Unless He says no you should go. Loui Gigglio says God is looking for volunteers so we should quit sitting around waiting for Him to ask us to go and just plan on going unless he stops us. Joel Helms says unless God says stay we have to go. I think I believe them. So ask God if you should stay. If you don't get a clear answer...than go! If your not sure where to go I think Radooga is a great place to start.


July 27, 2005


Me and Sergey...If all I did on the trip was meet Sergey it was worth it all.

We are home from Radooga. It seemed like it took forever to get there and once we got there the time went by way too fast. It was an amazing experience I hope none of us will ever be the same after. For those of you who wonder why Lori would want to stay let me say...I completely understand now. I've delayed writing this post a couple days now just because it is so difficult for me to do justice to what took place with words. This really is a case of, 'you had to be there'. So here goes nothing...

Chapter 1: Can you have your group at the airport in 20 minutes?

Our adventure began with a phone call from the travel agent on Wednesday morning. Originally we were scheduled to fly out of Tallahassee at 2:42pm on Wednesday. So you can imagine my surprise when the travel agency called at 11:40am and asked if we could be at the airport by noon because our later flight had been cancelled. Wow. So the calls began. Each call wasted more time as I said over and over...'no I am not kidding. Grab your bags and go to the airport now.' We did pretty well. Most of us were there shortly after noon. The last one arrived (no names) at 12:38pm. Fortunately for us Delta was very accommodating.

Chapter 2: Stuck in Paris

When we arrived in Paris we only had about 30 minutes until our next flight was to leave for Kiev. With man this was not possible and I guess God was not willing. So we missed our flight. I went down to talk to the Delta rep. There were no more flights to Kiev that day so we were stuck in Paris. I went back upstairs to share the news with the group. You should have seen the disappointment on their faces. Actually, I should have seen the disappointment on their faces but all I saw were huge smiles. So Delta put us up in a nice hotel for the night with a great buffet dinner & breakfast. We spent the afternoon site seeing in Paris and than got some much needed rest. It was a huge blessing to be able to recover from the trip in a hotel in Paris rather than a camp ground in Ukraine.

Chapter 3: Where’s Team 5?

We were affectionately known as Team 5 while in Ukraine. You would think they could have come up with a creative name for us like say…NEXT! Just kidding. Anyway, apparently the Radooga staff did not get the word that we were delayed 24 hours so they showed up with big bus to pick us up...while we were enjoying Paris. The big bus carried one person..Ryan. Ryan was kid from Montgomery. He was a minor traveling alone so we were supposed to meet him Atlanta and escort him to Paris and than Ukraine. As it turned out because of our flight changes he was the only one on team 5 to arrive on time. Maybe he should have been escorting us.

Chapter 4: The Camp Ground

Finally we arrived at the camp ground in Ukraine. It was a fascinating place. It was built as a training ground for young communists. How ironic that it is now being a place where the gospel is being preached to young Ukrainian men and women.

Chapter 5: Meeting the Kids

After arriving at the camp we spent the first couple of days going through Orientation. On Monday the kids finally arrived. My first encounter with them was doing English testing to place them in their proper English class. It was a pretty fun process. Many of them knew English amazingly well. Others not so much.

Chapter 6: The Roomies

After the testing I went to my room to find out who I would be rooming with. This was a fun experience. Nobody in my room spoke English…and there was no translator in my room. This was going to be fun. I would say something to them in English. They would say something to me in Russian and than to each other in Russian and than they would just start laughing. It would have made a lesser man a little paranoid. The irony is over the next couple of days even though we didn’t speak the same language these boys and I would become like brothers. One of those kids was Sergey. He would make the week for me.

Chapter 7: Water good, water very bad?

About day 3 Sergey was onto me. I would get up each morning around 7:00am. Mainly to think through what I was going to talk about in morning celebration. But a side benefit was a hot shower. Sergey figured this out one morning. He asked when I got back from the shower, ‘water very good or very bad?’ In English that means was is it hot or freezing. I said, ‘very good’. He said, ‘tomorrow you wake me…7:00?’ That was the last hot shower I had until after the kids left.

Chapter 8: Repentance Night

O.k. Enough on the minors. Here’s what you really need to know about what happened at camp. On Friday night it was repentance night. The gospel was clearly preached and over half the kids at camp gave their lives to Christ. What else do you need to know about what happened at Camp Radooga? That’s all that matters and that made it worth every bit of effort it took to get there.

Chapter 9: Repentance Night & Sergey

The story of the week wouldn’t be complete without Sergey’s story. After repentance night the team was all in the worship center just reflecting on the night. Someone came in and said, ‘Todd Sergey is outside and wants to talk to you’. In the best way he knew how Sergey told me he had given his heart to Christ. The reason we were in Ukraine was becoming abundantly clear.

Chapter 10 : You like fish?
I came back from rec one of the days exhausted. I was ready to catch some z’s. That was a dream that would not come true. Something better was in the works. When I got to my room Sergey had moved my pillow to a bed next to his. He asked, ‘you like fish?’ Apparently he does. For the next hour and a half we looked through this book he had of fish pictures. He would tell me ‘I have’ as he pointed to each of the fish that he owned. Apparently he has a lot of fish. At the time I was tired. Looking back on it I wouldn’t trade that hour for anything in the world.

Chapter 11: Tearful Goodbyes
The last day of camp sucked. Sorry if that is strong but there is no other way to say it. I was playing Frisbee when my boy Sergey walked up and said in the little English he knew… “I sad. I miss you’. I knew right then this was not going to be a good day. He walked away. So did I. Frisbee wasn’t an option any more. We would say goodbye about three more times before the day was over. Finally we were on the bus heading for Kiev knowing the kids would be gone when we got back.

Chapter 12: The City

We left and went on a tour of the city of Kiev. It’s a very pretty place. We saw some Cathedrals, Independance Square (the heart of the Orange Revolution). Most of all we got to eat. That was excellent. It had been awhile since we had a real meal.

Chapter 13: Coming Home
I almost expected coming home to be a headache. Fortunately, my fears were not realized. We arrived ahead of schedule to a very nice welcoming party. As good as the trip had been it was great to be home and see Laurie & Drew. Josh is a Camp so I’ll see him tomorrow.

Chapter 14: Back in the Grind

So the next day it was back to work and trying to get two weeks of work done in three days. We leave for Student Life Camp on Friday. I am really excited about that and all God will do in the lives of our students. I pray they get a little taste of what we experienced in Ukraine. I hope they get to see God move.

July 13, 2005


Pray for us. We leave for Kiev today where we will be doing youth camps with Radooga. We'll be back on July 25th. Talk to you than. Have a great couple weeks. Yanks should be in first place when we get back!


July 12, 2005

Obedience - the Pinnacle of Worship

In I Samuel 15:22 Samuel rebukes Saul with the words, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice?". Worship has become way to associated with music or a particular hour on Sunday morning. If you don't believe me than look what images Google associates with worship. What God desires from us is not songs from our lips but hearts that follow after Him and gladly obey Him. If a song expresses that heart than great but if not we should just be quiet. If He is worth our 'worship' than certainly He is worth our obedience.


July 11, 2005

Radooga Crunch Time

Today the Radooga team came over for dinner. We leave Wednesday afternoon for the Ukraine where we will be helping with the Radooga Camp and things continue to pile up that need to be done between now and then. We found out today that they are 15 beds short so after dinner, and desert at Steak and Shake, we headed to Wal-mart to buy 15 beds which we will find a spot for along with all the gifts we are taking over. In addition to the stuff we are taking for Lori and Calyn I received a package in the mail from some miscelanous person from Vero Beach who wanted some stuff delivered to her friends. It's all good. It helps us get in the team spirit before we ever hit the ground.

If you think to pray for us we would greatly appreciate it. I think we're all a little unsure of what to expect because of the English teaching portion of the mission. Like so many things it's tempting to focus so much time & energy on what we are unsure of that we neglect what really matters. We don't want this to happen. Thanks to everybody for your prayers and we look forward to sharing with you when we return.


July 09, 2005

Hurricane Dennis - Why on Sunday?

I used to know a preacher who said he has two questions for God when he gets to heaven. I don't remember the first one but the second one was, 'why does it rain on Sundays?' I remember that one because I always thought it was a dumb questions but I'm beginning to feel him on that one. It seems like this is the second summer in a row when we are not only bombarded with hurricanes but they always seem to come on Sundays. Why is that?


July 08, 2005

Olympic Baseball Eliminated - Say It Isn't So

For the first time in 69 years the Olympic committee has eliminated a sport from the games...don't worry it wasn't fencing or race walking. It was baseball & softball. I think it's an atrocity! Of all the dumb sports they could have eliminated they decided to eliminate America's most cherished sport. Just days after snubbing New York by dening the opportunity to host they snub us again by taking away a great sport. Of course Cuba is blaming the U.S. for not allowing our major leaguers to be a part of the games. Note to Cuba...major league baseball players are just a bit busy over the summer. I prefer the Olympics with amateurs anyway. It maybe time to pull a Jimmy Carter on 'em.


July 07, 2005

Wedding Jitters

I'll be doing a wedding this weekend. I think I'll be the only one more nervous than the bride. Usually things don't make me nervous but there is a unique pressure that goes along with weddings. I really do not like formal settings. I'm a pretty laid back kind of guy (really Todd you're kidding me) so anything as stuffy as a wedding ceremony gives me the hebbie jeebies. The last time I did a wedding I got a few things out of order. I didn't think it was that big of a deal...I had a plan to get things back on track and nobody would ever know the difference...but than I saw the look on the bride's face and I thought she was going to faint on the spot. What is it about a wedding that demands air tight perfection? Usually it is that kind of pressure that leads to disaster...or at least humorous videos. For the bride's sake I hope it will be air tight perfection. If you see a runaway pastor story on CNN this weekend I wasn't kidnapped...I just couldn't take the pressure.


July 06, 2005

God's sovereignty as An Excuse for Failure

Have you ever used God's sovereignty as an excuse for failure? We would never phrase it like that. We say things like, 'I guess it just wasn't meant to be' or 'I guess it wasn't in the LORD's will.' Erwin McManus says this kind of fatalistic thinking in Christian thought is a major creativity killer. It made me think of how often I blame God for lack of results in my own life when in reality God has sovereignly given me everything I need to advance His Kingdom.

Before we blame God let's look at ourselves and ask the tough questions. Are we disciplined? Are we obedient? Are we living with timidity? If so we are not in the will of God because God has called us to be disciplined. He has commanded us to be obedient and He has given us a Spirit of courage.

You can hear Erwin here. Just scroll down to the message called Create.


July 05, 2005

GMail's Down & I Don't Care

Actually I do care but I wish I didn't. I am sure there is no e-mail sitting out there that can't wait until tomorrow. Unless it's my gym partner telling me he can't make our 5:20am workout tomorrow. I could get some extra sleep. Maybe I should call. Or maybe it's my jogging partner letting me know he won't be meeting at 6:45 after all because something has come up. That would be good news. Maybe it's the church letting me know that over the next several months what used to be my salary will now be going to pay for Cokes left over from the 4th of July. Maybe it's the shaved ice guy who just wants to let me know how much business he lost because of the positioning of the sno-kone guy's trailer.

So I guess I was right the first time...Gmail's down & I don't care.


July 01, 2005

Seminoles Win ACC Sportsmanship Award for Baseball

Florida State prays before their Regional Championship game against Auburn University.

Congratulations to the 'Noles. Florida State should be proud of their baseball team. They may not have gone to Omaha this year but they played with class and the ACC has rewared them for it with an award for Sportsmanship.

and in a related story...

In sharp contrast to the 'Noles there is Kenny Rogers of the Texas Rangers. After some off the field conflict with Rangers management he decided to take out his frustration on two camera people getting footage of the Rangers' warm up session. What a shame that this image will be all over ESPN, FOX, CNN etc but you won't here a word any sportsmanship award. You might catch a blurb about Warrick Dunn winning the Sporting News' Sportsman of the Year award, but probably not. Shame on Kenny but shame on the media also for their fascination with the negative.

and on another positive note...

Mariano Rivera chats it up with fans.

When we went to Tampa to catch the Yanks in May this was a picture I got of Mariano. While the other players were completing their warm ups (he's the closer so he's got time)he spent his time chatting it up with these teenage kids just hanging out before the game.

So don't be fooled by the major networks. Yes, there is a lot of negative in sports and professional athletes should be held to a high standard because of their influence. But their is a lot of good going on in sports and we shouldn't let the media taint our view of that.
